I used your Mayatan Repelente spray in Riviera Maya last month, and it was excellent. I want to tell my friends about it.  I have two questions:
1. How can I buy it directly from your website?  (I have not found a page for purchases.)
2. How much does it cost?
Please tell me as soon as possible.  Thank you very much!
April Orcutt
California, USA

Hello, on a recent visit to Tulum I purchased your product and found it very effective. Upon returning to Canada I was pleased to see that it was also very effective on mosquitoes here. Is there a way to purchase your product online or via phone order? Thank you!
Tom Chrzaan

I got some of your repellent last year on vacation. Do you ship to USA?
Gretchen Loeber

hola quiero 1000 frascos de 35 ml spray
Daniel Monti

Hola, voy a estar en Holbox próximamente y me gustaría saber dónde puedo comprar el repelente. Alguna farmacia en Holbox? Algún lugar en Cancún? Algún lugar en el DF?
Luz Castilo

Vivo en Cali, Colombia y estoy interesada en adquirir el producto
Gladys Quintero de Gomez
Cali, Columbia


Si tienen algun testimonial de favor contactanos aqui


Para Mosquitos de a Monton, MAYATAN® Es La Solución


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